Many meat grinder repair arise only when you ignore them for long. If you keep ignoring it, then you may have to face serious problems in your kitchen. Just think of all those delicious meals that you would like to prepare for your family. The following are some of the common problems experienced by meat grinder users.
When you are using the meat grinder, there is a high possibility that it will come in contact with a surface at one point or another. If it touches a rough surface, there is a high probability that the blade will hit a rough surface. In this situation, immediately find out the cause of the friction problem and fix it. Or even install new blades.
Many of the meat grinder users face this problem. This is mostly due to two reasons. Either they are placing dry meat too much force or they are tending to apply too much force on the grinders. In any case, this will lead to a serious problem which is clogging. Clogging usually occurs when the grinders become clogged with food.

If you feel that the grinders are slowing down and the knives are getting loose then it might be due to the build up of grease. Cleaning the grinder is very easy and it does not take too much time. First get a soft sponge and make a paste of three parts of white vinegar and thirty minutes. Apply the mixture on the grinding stones and let it stay there for at least thirty minutes. In this way, you can clean the grinder without straining yourself.
Secondly, you should also check the blade if it is perfectly Smooth Grinding. To do so, apply lubricant to the cutting blade and also grind the meat manually to ensure it is perfectly smooth. The blade should be perfectly flat and there should be no cracks or dents. When you are done with both checking the smooth grinding, you can proceed to the second important part which is Blade Cleaning. For this, you will need the same amount of white vinegar and one tablespoon of salt.
Rinse the meat with water and place it on the baking sheet or butcher block. Now place the meat over the plate and cover it with the foil. Turn the motor over and allow the motor to run for around ten to fifteen minutes.
The next step in this cleaning process is to remove the plate from the grinder and clean it by wiping it with a paper towel. This should be followed by wiping it with alcohol. The next step in this process is to rinse the outside of the meat with warm soapy water. After this, it should be placed on a dry towel and then dry with another dry towel. After all the meat grinder tools are thoroughly cleaned, you can now start assembling the pieces back together.
Check the piece back and make sure it is level and straight. Then set the meat grinder into the auger and attach it to the meat grinder plate. You can now turn on the grinder and run it in reverse position. This will take around twenty minutes or even less. The grinding will be complete when you hear the grinding noise from the auger grinding in the metal blades.
If the meat grinder still has not been running properly after this process, there may be a small friction problem. To check if this is the case, you can run the grinder at full speed in an open space. If there is no vibration, then there is likely a small friction problem that needs to be fixed. It can be caused by the rollers being worn out and they need to be replaced. To fix this, insert a new roll into the machine and run it for around two minutes.
Next, the plates need to be cleaned. Remove the plates and wipe them down with a paper towel. Be sure to include the areas where any cuts have occurred as well as any areas that are dirty. Once these areas are all cleaned, you can now put back the plate in the grinder. Start the grinding process again and this time go through all the spinning blades one at a time.
If your grinder did not come with a repair guide, then you should take this. The guide will usually give you a few ideas on how to repair it. Once you have repaired the meat grinder you will see that the grinders blade will start to work more effectively. This is thanks to the new blade and it will make you get better results from grinding. These problems can usually be fixed without the help of a repair guide.